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ZeuS, buddy okipaF 2004-05-12 04:37
ZeuS, buddy, the disney shit is cute. i typed a large and well thought out post of how to rid you of cheaters, and you ban me. What can i say? i stopped the wwwarII shit. I never spammed the forums (well, mayb i posted a lot but ps4 posted more and u didnt ban him!), and i didnt cheat in game. (ok, a logon to sum1 elses account here and there, and i did have a multi last reset BUT i TOLD ultron about it and he did nothing.) So why, is it, you ban me. It's gonna take more than range banning this isp to get rid of me, banning my name on forum, etc. I have changed you know, not the same war hungry pos i used to be. I've discovered redaline, calmed down. I ask you to unban me please, as I have changed and trying to turn into a nice person.
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